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Hi, I'm Claire Benjamin, design researcher and strategist based in Boulder, CO.

I translate abstract problems into tangible design insights by investigating and designing alongside people. I discover the root elements of complex challenges and enable the creation of meaningful, imaginative products and systems that are truly relevant for people. 

My depth of expertise ranges from physical and digital design research and strategy, to patented product design, to published engineering research. 

Learn more about me or take a look at my resume.


Organizations I’ve worked with include:

  • Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection

  • Washington Health Benefit Exchange

  • Washington Public Disclosure Commission

  • Washington Department of Enterprise Services 

  • Olympia Intercity Transit

  • 7-Eleven

  • Multiple teams at Meta

  • JD Sports


Let's talk

I'm always interested in collaborations or chatting about what's new in the world of design and UX research, especially related to inclusive and sustainable design!

Email me:


Connect with me on LinkedIn: 

  • LinkedIn - Black Circle
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